# Example Transaction interface usage

Once you know all the Transaction interface functionality, let's look at an example of complete usage.

import { createHiveChain, ReplyOperation } from '@hiveio/wax';

// Initialize chain
const chain = await createHiveChain();

// Create/get a wallet
const { wallet, publicKey1, publicKey2 } = globalThis.snippetsBeekeeperData;

// Create a transaction
const tx = await chain.createTransaction();

// Use the ReplyOperation to create a reply operation
tx.pushOperation(new ReplyOperation({
  parentAuthor: 'parent-author',
  parentPermlink: 'parent-permlink',
  author: 'author',
  body: 'body',
  beneficiaries: [{ account: 'test', weight: 40 }],
  tags: ['tag'],
  description: 'description',

// Convert the transaction into the Hive API-form JSON
const apiTx = tx.toApi();

// log apiTransaction

// Apply the transaction in the API form into transaction interface
const txFromApi = chain.createTransactionFromJson(apiTx);

txFromApi.sign(wallet, publicKey1);

// Log txSigned

// Multi sign the transaction with another public key
txFromApi.sign(wallet, publicKey2);

// log multi signed transaction

 * Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
 * The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(txFromApi);
// apiTx
  "ref_block_num": 14509,
  "ref_block_prefix": 1156896789,
  "expiration": "2024-06-27T11:45:47",
  "operations": [
      "type": "comment_operation",
      "value": {
        "parent_author": "parent-author",
        "parent_permlink": "parent-permlink",
        "author": "author",
        "permlink": "re-parent-author-1719488687642",
        "title": "",
        "body": "body",
        "json_metadata": "{\"format\":\"markdown+html\",\"app\":\"@hiveio/wax/1.27.6-rc1\",\"tags\":[\"tag\"],\"description\":\"description\"}"
      "type": "comment_options_operation",
      "value": {
        "author": "author",
        "permlink": "re-parent-author-1719488687642",
        "max_accepted_payout": {
          "amount": "1000000000",
          "precision": 3,
          "nai": "@@000000013"
        "percent_hbd": 10000,
        "allow_votes": true,
        "allow_curation_rewards": true,
        "extensions": [
            "type": "comment_payout_beneficiaries",
            "value": {
              "beneficiaries": [
                  "account": "test",
                  "weight": 40

// txSigned (only signatures field)
signatures: [

// txMultiSigned (only signatures field)
signatures: [
import { createHiveChain } from '@hiveio/wax';

// Initialize chain
const chain = await createHiveChain();

// Create/get a wallet
const { wallet, publicKey1 } = globalThis.snippetsBeekeeperData;

// Create a transaction
const tx = await chain.createTransaction();

// Declare example operation
const operation = {
  vote: {
    voter: "voter",
    author: "author",
    permlink: "test-permlink",
    weight: 2200

// Push the operation into the transaction

// Convert the transaction into the Hive API-legacy form JSON before signing
const legacyApiTx = tx.toLegacyApi();


// Because we want to process transction signing externally, we need to calculate its digest first.
const digest = tx.legacy_sigDigest;

/* Here you can make any external signing process specific to HIVE transaction, by using another signing tool than beekeeper */

// Generate the signature based on the transction digest
const signature = wallet.signDigest(publicKey1, digest);

// Suplement the transaction by created signature

// This is JSON form ready for broadcasting or passing to third-party service.
const txApiForm = tx.toLegacyApi();

// Hive API-legacy form JSON before signing
  "ref_block_num": 62661,
  "ref_block_prefix": 599480679,
  "expiration": "2024-07-01T10:43:35",
  "operations": [
        "voter": "voter",
        "author": "test-author",
        "permlink": "test-permlink",
        "weight": 2200
  "extensions": [],
  "signatures": []

// Hive API-legacy form JSON after signing
  "ref_block_num": 63407,
  "ref_block_prefix": 1196655671,
  "expiration": "2024-07-01T11:20:51",
  "operations": [
        "voter": "voter",
        "author": "test-author",
        "permlink": "test-permlink",
        "weight": 2200
  "extensions": [],
  "signatures": [
import beekeeperFactory from '@hiveio/beekeeper';
import {
} from '@hiveio/wax';

// Initialize wax api
const waxApi = await createWaxFoundation();

// Initialize chain
const chain = await createHiveChain();

// Initialize beekeeper
const beekeeper = await beekeeperFactory();

// Create session
const session = beekeeper.createSession('salt');

// Create wallet
const { wallet } = await session.createWallet('w1');

// Declare example account name
const accountName = "your-account";
// Declare example password for generating private key
const masterPassword = "your-master-password";

// Generating a new posting private key from a password
const privatePostingKeyData = waxApi.getPrivateKeyFromPassword(accountName, 'posting', masterPassword);
// Import the posting key into the wallet
const publicPostingSigningKey = await wallet.importKey(privatePostingKeyData.wifPrivateKey);

// Generating a new active private key from a password
const privateActiveKeyData = waxApi.getPrivateKeyFromPassword(accountName, 'active', masterPassword);
// Import the active key into the wallet
const publicActiveSigningKey = await wallet.importKey(privateActiveKeyData.wifPrivateKey);

// Generating a new encryption private key from a password
const privateEncryptionKeyData = waxApi.getPrivateKeyFromPassword(accountName, 'memo', masterPassword);
// Import the encryption key into the wallet
const publicEncryptionSigningKey = await wallet.importKey(privateEncryptionKeyData.wifPrivateKey);

//                           Simple operation scenario                      //

// Create a transaction
const simpleOperationTx = await chain.createTransaction();

const voteOp = {
  vote: {
    voter: "voter",
    author: "author",
    permlink: "test-permlink",
    weight: 2200

// Push simple vote operation into previously initialized transaction

// Sign and build the transaction
simpleOperationTx.sign(wallet, publicPostingSigningKey);

// Log the simple transaction into console in API form

 * Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
 * The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(simpleOperationTx);

//                      Simple operation legacy scenario                     //

// Create a transaction
const legacyTx = await chain.createTransaction();

// Declare example transfer operation
const transferOp = {
  transfer: {
    from_account: accountName,
    to_account: "friend",
    amount: chain.hiveCoins(100),
    memo: "My transfer operation"

// Push simple vote operation into previously initialized transaction

// Because we want to process transction signing externally, we need to calculate its digest first.
const digest = legacyTx.legacy_sigDigest;

/* Here you can make any external signing process specific to HIVE transaction, by using another signing tool than beekeeper */

// Generate the signature based on the transction digest
const signature = wallet.signDigest(publicPostingSigningKey, digest);

// Suplement the transaction by created signature

// This is JSON form ready for broadcasting or passing to third-party service.
const txApiForm = legacyTx.toLegacyApi();

// Log the simple legacy transaction into console in API form

 * Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
 * The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);

//                             Encryption example                            //

// Create a transaction
const encryptionTx = await chain.createTransaction();

// Declare other example transfer operation
const transferEncryptionOp = {
  transfer: {
    from_account: accountName,
    to_account: "friend",
    amount: chain.hiveCoins(100),
    memo: "This will be encrypted"

  // Start encryption process
  // Push transfer operation into previously initialized transaction
  // Stop encryption process
  // Push another transfer operation into previously initialized transaction

// Sign and build the transaction
encryptionTx.sign(wallet, publicPostingSigningKey);

// Log the encryption transaction into console in API form

 * Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
 * The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);

//                                       Comment operation scenario                                          //
// This example will create multiple operations including comment_operation and comment_options_operation //

// Create a transaction
const commentOperationTx = await chain.createTransaction();

 * Use BlogPostOperation to create an article operation and set all fields.
commentOperationTx.pushOperation(new BlogPostOperation({
  author: accountName,
  permlink: 'my-article-permlink',
  title: 'My article title',
  body: 'My article body',
  category: 'my-category',
  tags: ['my-article'],
  description: 'This is my article!',
  images: ['article.jpg'],
  links: ['https://example.com'],
  format: ECommentFormat.MARKDOWN,
  beneficiaries: [{ account: 'friend', weight: 40 }],
  maxAcceptedPayout: chain.hbdCoins(100),
  allowCurationRewards: true,
  allowVotes: true

 * Use ReplyOperation to create a reply operation and set all fields.
 * Note that the category is not set because it is only available in the BlogPostOperation.
commentOperationTx.pushOperation(new ReplyOperation({
  author: accountName,
  permlink: 'My-reply-permlink',
  parentAuthor: accountName,
  parentPermlink: 'my-article-permlink',
  body: 'My reply body',
  tags: ['my-reply'],
  description: 'This is my reply!',
  images: ['reply.jpg'],
  links: ['https://example.com'],
  format: ECommentFormat.MARKDOWN,
  beneficiaries: [{ account: 'friend', weight: 40 }],
  maxAcceptedPayout: chain.hbdCoins(100),
  allowCurationRewards: true,
  allowVotes: true

/* Note that all the logic is hidden under the specific operation constructor that you are currently using */

// Sign and build the transaction
commentOperationTx.sign(wallet, publicPostingSigningKey);

// Log the article transaction into console in API form

 * Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
 * The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);

//                    Other operation factories scenario                     //

// Create a transaction
const operationFactoriesTx = await chain.createTransaction();

// Create a recurrent transfer operation that will be executed every day for 30 days with the ammount of 100.000 HIVE
operationFactoriesTx.pushOperation(new DefineRecurrentTransferOperation({
  from: accountName,
  to: 'friend',
  amount: chain.hiveCoins(100),
  memo: 'Daily pay',
  recurrence: 24,
  executions: 30

// Create a proposal update operation of id equals 1 with the ammount of 100.000 HBD
operationFactoriesTx.pushOperation(new UpdateProposalOperation({
  proposalId: 1,
  creator: accountName,
  dailyPay: chain.hbdCoins(100),
  subject: 'Proposal Update',
  permlink: 'proposal-update',
  endDate:  '2023-03-14',

// Create a witness set properties operation with hbd interest rate of 7.5%, maximum block size of 65536, account creation fee of 300.000 HIVE and url of "https://example.com"
operationFactoriesTx.pushOperation(new WitnessSetPropertiesOperation({
  owner: accountName,
  witnessSigningKey: publicActiveSigningKey,
  maximumBlockSize: 65536,
  hbdInterestRate: 750,
  accountCreationFee: chain.hiveCoins(300),
  url: "https://example.com"

// Sign and build the transaction
operationFactoriesTx.sign(wallet, publicActiveSigningKey);

// Log the operation factories transaction into console in API form

 * Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
 * The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);

//     Scenario taht includes all HiveAppsOperations (custom_json based)       //

// Create a transaction
const otherOperationsTx = await chain.createTransaction();

// Create follow operation new instance
const followOperation = new FollowOperation();

// Push operations of follow operation into the created transaction
    .followBlog(accountName, 'blog-to-follow')
    .muteBlog(accountName, 'blog-to-mute')
    .reblog(accountName, 'to-reblog', 'post-permlink')
    // The account that authorizes underlying custom json operation is also reponsible for signing the transaction using its posting authority

// Create resource credits operation new instance
const rcOperation = new ResourceCreditsOperation();

// Push operations of resource credits operation into the created transaction
  // Delegate 1000 RC from your account to a friend's account.
  .delegate(accountName, 1000, 'friend')
  // The account that authorizes underlying custom json operation is also reponsible for signing the transaction using its posting authority

// Create community operation new instance
const communityOperation = new CommunityOperation();

// Declare example community name
const communityName = 'community-name';

// Push operations of community operation into the created transaction
    // Subscribe the community
    // Flag the post of the author in the community with the permlink
    // Add notes regarding the violation (violation notes).
    .flagPost(communityName, 'author-account', 'post-permlink', 'violation notes')
    // The account that authorizes underlying custom json operation is also reponsible for signing the transaction using its posting authority

// Sign and build the transaction
otherOperationsTx.sign(wallet, publicPostingSigningKey);

// Log the other operations transaction into console in API form

 * Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
 * The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);

// Beekeeper cleanup
await beekeeper.delete();

// Delete the created wax proto_protocol instance
// simpleOperationTx
  "ref_block_num": 32100,
  "ref_block_prefix": 27252558,
  "expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:28",
  "operations": [
      "type": "vote_operation",
      "value": {
        "voter": "voter",
        "author": "test-author",
        "permlink": "test-permlink",
        "weight": 2200
  "signatures": [

// legacyTx
  "ref_block_num": 32100,
  "ref_block_prefix": 27252558,
  "expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:28",
  "operations": [
        "from": "your-account",
        "to": "friend",
        "amount": "0.100 HIVE",
        "memo": "My transfer operation"
  "extensions": [],
  "signatures": [

// encryptionTx
  "ref_block_num": 32100,
  "ref_block_prefix": 27252558,
  "expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:28",
  "operations": [
      "type": "transfer_operation",
      "value": {
        "from": "your-account",
        "to": "friend",
        "amount": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
        "memo": "#4MWxEsc6QMPu5ifjW1mNpJh6Rx4Li4kaJVxEvNFWysAsggDSLNF6ZEdauVEuompzPXuMuZ4tfTtAadcYXHAXH5ASVCRapttKgx7xEn1S4dydFrM7Uc8jpMmdJ4HDxnhCELxQrxX4iqoFhYaVdYPVq3A8"
      "type": "transfer_operation",
      "value": {
        "from": "your-account",
        "to": "friend",
        "amount": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
        "memo": "My transfer operation"
  "signatures": [

// commentOperationTx
  "ref_block_num": 32100,
  "ref_block_prefix": 27252558,
  "expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:28",
  "operations": [
      "type": "comment_operation",
      "value": {
        "parent_author": "",
        "parent_permlink": "my-category",
        "author": "your-account",
        "permlink": "my-article-permlink",
        "title": "My article title",
        "body": "My article body",
        "json_metadata": "{\"format\":\"markdown\",\"app\":\"@hiveio/wax/1.27.6-rc1\",\"tags\":[\"my-article\"],\"description\":\"This is my article!\",\"image\":[\"article.jpg\"],\"links\":[\"https://example.com\"]}"
      "type": "comment_options_operation",
      "value": {
        "author": "your-account",
        "permlink": "my-article-permlink",
        "max_accepted_payout": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
        "percent_hbd": 10000,
        "allow_votes": true,
        "allow_curation_rewards": true,
        "extensions": [
            "type": "comment_payout_beneficiaries",
            "value": {
              "beneficiaries": [
                  "account": "friend",
                  "weight": 40
      "type": "comment_operation",
      "value": {
        "parent_author": "your-account",
        "parent_permlink": "my-article-permlink",
        "author": "your-account",
        "permlink": "re-your-account-1719935728826",
        "title": "",
        "body": "My reply body",
        "json_metadata": "{\"format\":\"markdown\",\"app\":\"@hiveio/wax/1.27.6-rc1\",\"tags\":[\"my-reply\"],\"description\":\"This is my reply!\",\"image\":[\"reply.jpg\"],\"links\":[\"https://example.com\"]}"
      "type": "comment_options_operation",
      "value": {
        "author": "your-account",
        "permlink": "re-your-account-1719935728826",
        "max_accepted_payout": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
        "percent_hbd": 10000,
        "allow_votes": true,
        "allow_curation_rewards": true,
        "extensions": [
            "type": "comment_payout_beneficiaries",
            "value": {
              "beneficiaries": [
                  "account": "friend",
                  "weight": 40
  "signatures": [

// operationFactoriesTx
  "ref_block_num": 32101,
  "ref_block_prefix": 2985086707,
  "expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:29",
  "operations": [
      "type": "recurrent_transfer_operation",
      "value": {
        "from": "your-account",
        "to": "friend",
        "amount": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
        "memo": "Daily pay",
        "recurrence": 24,
        "executions": 30
      "type": "update_proposal_operation",
      "value": {
        "proposal_id": "1",
        "creator": "your-account",
        "daily_pay": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
        "subject": "Proposal Update",
        "permlink": "proposal-update",
        "extensions": [
            "type": "update_proposal_end_date",
            "value": {
              "end_date": "2023-03-14T00:00:00"
      "type": "witness_set_properties_operation",
      "value": {
        "owner": "your-account",
        "props": [
          [ "account_creation_fee", "307500000000000003535445454d0000" ],
          [ "hbd_interest_rate", "ee02" ],
          [ "key", "03d61d6fa3124160f86e1f870328e4ee1c4956529f3e001a3ce466d192bd4e07ab" ],
          [ "maximum_block_size", "00000100" ],
          [ "url", "1368747470733a2f2f6578616d706c652e636f6d" ]
  "signatures": [

// otherOperationsTx
  "ref_block_num": 32101,
  "ref_block_prefix": 2985086707,
  "expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:29",
  "operations": [
      "type": "custom_json_operation",
      "value": {
        "required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
        "id": "follow",
        "json": "[\"follow\",{\"follower\":\"your-account\",\"following\":\"blog-to-follow\",\"what\":[\"blog\"]}]"
      "type": "custom_json_operation",
      "value": {
        "required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
        "id": "follow",
        "json": "[\"follow\",{\"follower\":\"your-account\",\"following\":\"blog-to-mute\",\"what\":[\"ignore\"]}]"
      "type": "custom_json_operation",
      "value": {
        "required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
        "id": "follow",
        "json": "[\"reblog\",{\"account\":\"your-account\",\"author\":\"to-reblog\",\"permlink\":\"post-permlink\"}]"
      "type": "custom_json_operation",
      "value": {
        "required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
        "id": "rc",
        "json": "[\"delegate_rc\",{\"from\":\"your-account\",\"delegatees\":[\"friend\"],\"max_rc\":\"1000\",\"extensions\":[]}]"
      "type": "custom_json_operation",
      "value": {
        "required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
        "id": "community",
        "json": "[\"subscribe\",{\"community\":\"communityName\"}]"
      "type": "custom_json_operation",
      "value": {
        "required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
        "id": "community",
        "json": "[\"flagPost\",{\"community\":\"community-name\",\"account\":\"author-account\",\"permlink\":\"post-permlink\",\"notes\":\"violation notes\"}]"
  "signatures": [