Example Transaction interface usage
Once you know all the Transaction
interface functionality, let's look at an example of complete usage.
Test it yourself: src/typescript/transaction/example-usage/example-usage/example-usage.ts
import { createHiveChain, ReplyOperation } from '@hiveio/wax';
// Initialize chain
const chain = await createHiveChain();
// Create/get a wallet
const { wallet, publicKey1, publicKey2 } = globalThis.snippetsBeekeeperData;
// Create a transaction
const tx = await chain.createTransaction();
// Use the ReplyOperation to create a reply operation
tx.pushOperation(new ReplyOperation({
parentAuthor: 'parent-author',
parentPermlink: 'parent-permlink',
author: 'author',
body: 'body',
beneficiaries: [{ account: 'test', weight: 40 }],
tags: ['tag'],
description: 'description',
// Convert the transaction into the Hive API-form JSON
const apiTx = tx.toApi();
// log apiTransaction
// Apply the transaction in the API form into transaction interface
const txFromApi = chain.createTransactionFromJson(apiTx);
txFromApi.sign(wallet, publicKey1);
// Log txSigned
// Multi sign the transaction with another public key
txFromApi.sign(wallet, publicKey2);
// log multi signed transaction
* Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
* The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(txFromApi);
// apiTx
"ref_block_num": 14509,
"ref_block_prefix": 1156896789,
"expiration": "2024-06-27T11:45:47",
"operations": [
"type": "comment_operation",
"value": {
"parent_author": "parent-author",
"parent_permlink": "parent-permlink",
"author": "author",
"permlink": "re-parent-author-1719488687642",
"title": "",
"body": "body",
"json_metadata": "{\"format\":\"markdown+html\",\"app\":\"@hiveio/wax/1.27.6-rc1\",\"tags\":[\"tag\"],\"description\":\"description\"}"
"type": "comment_options_operation",
"value": {
"author": "author",
"permlink": "re-parent-author-1719488687642",
"max_accepted_payout": {
"amount": "1000000000",
"precision": 3,
"nai": "@@000000013"
"percent_hbd": 10000,
"allow_votes": true,
"allow_curation_rewards": true,
"extensions": [
"type": "comment_payout_beneficiaries",
"value": {
"beneficiaries": [
"account": "test",
"weight": 40
// txSigned (only signatures field)
signatures: [
// txMultiSigned (only signatures field)
signatures: [
Please note that the output for txSigned
and txMultiSigned
is not complete due to its complexity. Only the signatures field is presented. You can see the full output in the console by testing it yourself.
import { createHiveChain } from '@hiveio/wax';
// Initialize chain
const chain = await createHiveChain();
// Create/get a wallet
const { wallet, publicKey1 } = globalThis.snippetsBeekeeperData;
// Create a transaction
const tx = await chain.createTransaction();
// Declare example operation
const operation = {
vote: {
voter: "voter",
author: "author",
permlink: "test-permlink",
weight: 2200
// Push the operation into the transaction
// Convert the transaction into the Hive API-legacy form JSON before signing
const legacyApiTx = tx.toLegacyApi();
// Because we want to process transction signing externally, we need to calculate its digest first.
const digest = tx.legacy_sigDigest;
/* Here you can make any external signing process specific to HIVE transaction, by using another signing tool than beekeeper */
// Generate the signature based on the transction digest
const signature = wallet.signDigest(publicKey1, digest);
// Suplement the transaction by created signature
// This is JSON form ready for broadcasting or passing to third-party service.
const txApiForm = tx.toLegacyApi();
// Hive API-legacy form JSON before signing
"ref_block_num": 62661,
"ref_block_prefix": 599480679,
"expiration": "2024-07-01T10:43:35",
"operations": [
"voter": "voter",
"author": "test-author",
"permlink": "test-permlink",
"weight": 2200
"extensions": [],
"signatures": []
// Hive API-legacy form JSON after signing
"ref_block_num": 63407,
"ref_block_prefix": 1196655671,
"expiration": "2024-07-01T11:20:51",
"operations": [
"voter": "voter",
"author": "test-author",
"permlink": "test-permlink",
"weight": 2200
"extensions": [],
"signatures": [
Also if you want to use some custom tool for signing the transaction instead of our provided methods, you can do it based on the sample above. If you do not want to use Transaction
interface in legacy form, you can do it just by replacing:
const digest = tx.legacy_sigDigest;
-> const digest = tx.sigDigest;
import beekeeperFactory from '@hiveio/beekeeper';
import {
} from '@hiveio/wax';
// Initialize wax api
const waxApi = await createWaxFoundation();
// Initialize chain
const chain = await createHiveChain();
// Initialize beekeeper
const beekeeper = await beekeeperFactory();
// Create session
const session = beekeeper.createSession('salt');
// Create wallet
const { wallet } = await session.createWallet('w1');
// Declare example account name
const accountName = "your-account";
// Declare example password for generating private key
const masterPassword = "your-master-password";
// Generating a new posting private key from a password
const privatePostingKeyData = waxApi.getPrivateKeyFromPassword(accountName, 'posting', masterPassword);
// Import the posting key into the wallet
const publicPostingSigningKey = await wallet.importKey(privatePostingKeyData.wifPrivateKey);
// Generating a new active private key from a password
const privateActiveKeyData = waxApi.getPrivateKeyFromPassword(accountName, 'active', masterPassword);
// Import the active key into the wallet
const publicActiveSigningKey = await wallet.importKey(privateActiveKeyData.wifPrivateKey);
// Generating a new encryption private key from a password
const privateEncryptionKeyData = waxApi.getPrivateKeyFromPassword(accountName, 'memo', masterPassword);
// Import the encryption key into the wallet
const publicEncryptionSigningKey = await wallet.importKey(privateEncryptionKeyData.wifPrivateKey);
// Simple operation scenario //
// Create a transaction
const simpleOperationTx = await chain.createTransaction();
const voteOp = {
vote: {
voter: "voter",
author: "author",
permlink: "test-permlink",
weight: 2200
// Push simple vote operation into previously initialized transaction
// Sign and build the transaction
simpleOperationTx.sign(wallet, publicPostingSigningKey);
// Log the simple transaction into console in API form
* Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
* The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(simpleOperationTx);
// Simple operation legacy scenario //
// Create a transaction
const legacyTx = await chain.createTransaction();
// Declare example transfer operation
const transferOp = {
transfer: {
from_account: accountName,
to_account: "friend",
amount: chain.hiveCoins(100),
memo: "My transfer operation"
// Push simple vote operation into previously initialized transaction
// Because we want to process transction signing externally, we need to calculate its digest first.
const digest = legacyTx.legacy_sigDigest;
/* Here you can make any external signing process specific to HIVE transaction, by using another signing tool than beekeeper */
// Generate the signature based on the transction digest
const signature = wallet.signDigest(publicPostingSigningKey, digest);
// Suplement the transaction by created signature
// This is JSON form ready for broadcasting or passing to third-party service.
const txApiForm = legacyTx.toLegacyApi();
// Log the simple legacy transaction into console in API form
* Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
* The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);
// Encryption example //
// Create a transaction
const encryptionTx = await chain.createTransaction();
// Declare other example transfer operation
const transferEncryptionOp = {
transfer: {
from_account: accountName,
to_account: "friend",
amount: chain.hiveCoins(100),
memo: "This will be encrypted"
// Start encryption process
// Push transfer operation into previously initialized transaction
// Stop encryption process
// Push another transfer operation into previously initialized transaction
// Sign and build the transaction
encryptionTx.sign(wallet, publicPostingSigningKey);
// Log the encryption transaction into console in API form
* Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
* The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);
// Comment operation scenario //
// This example will create multiple operations including comment_operation and comment_options_operation //
// Create a transaction
const commentOperationTx = await chain.createTransaction();
* Use BlogPostOperation to create an article operation and set all fields.
commentOperationTx.pushOperation(new BlogPostOperation({
author: accountName,
permlink: 'my-article-permlink',
title: 'My article title',
body: 'My article body',
category: 'my-category',
tags: ['my-article'],
description: 'This is my article!',
images: ['article.jpg'],
links: ['https://example.com'],
format: ECommentFormat.MARKDOWN,
beneficiaries: [{ account: 'friend', weight: 40 }],
maxAcceptedPayout: chain.hbdCoins(100),
allowCurationRewards: true,
allowVotes: true
* Use ReplyOperation to create a reply operation and set all fields.
* Note that the category is not set because it is only available in the BlogPostOperation.
commentOperationTx.pushOperation(new ReplyOperation({
author: accountName,
permlink: 'My-reply-permlink',
parentAuthor: accountName,
parentPermlink: 'my-article-permlink',
body: 'My reply body',
tags: ['my-reply'],
description: 'This is my reply!',
images: ['reply.jpg'],
links: ['https://example.com'],
format: ECommentFormat.MARKDOWN,
beneficiaries: [{ account: 'friend', weight: 40 }],
maxAcceptedPayout: chain.hbdCoins(100),
allowCurationRewards: true,
allowVotes: true
/* Note that all the logic is hidden under the specific operation constructor that you are currently using */
// Sign and build the transaction
commentOperationTx.sign(wallet, publicPostingSigningKey);
// Log the article transaction into console in API form
* Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
* The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);
// Other operation factories scenario //
// Create a transaction
const operationFactoriesTx = await chain.createTransaction();
// Create a recurrent transfer operation that will be executed every day for 30 days with the ammount of 100.000 HIVE
operationFactoriesTx.pushOperation(new DefineRecurrentTransferOperation({
from: accountName,
to: 'friend',
amount: chain.hiveCoins(100),
memo: 'Daily pay',
recurrence: 24,
executions: 30
// Create a proposal update operation of id equals 1 with the ammount of 100.000 HBD
operationFactoriesTx.pushOperation(new UpdateProposalOperation({
proposalId: 1,
creator: accountName,
dailyPay: chain.hbdCoins(100),
subject: 'Proposal Update',
permlink: 'proposal-update',
endDate: '2023-03-14',
// Create a witness set properties operation with hbd interest rate of 7.5%, maximum block size of 65536, account creation fee of 300.000 HIVE and url of "https://example.com"
operationFactoriesTx.pushOperation(new WitnessSetPropertiesOperation({
owner: accountName,
witnessSigningKey: publicActiveSigningKey,
maximumBlockSize: 65536,
hbdInterestRate: 750,
accountCreationFee: chain.hiveCoins(300),
url: "https://example.com"
// Sign and build the transaction
operationFactoriesTx.sign(wallet, publicActiveSigningKey);
// Log the operation factories transaction into console in API form
* Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
* The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);
// Scenario taht includes all HiveAppsOperations (custom_json based) //
// Create a transaction
const otherOperationsTx = await chain.createTransaction();
// Create follow operation new instance
const followOperation = new FollowOperation();
// Push operations of follow operation into the created transaction
.followBlog(accountName, 'blog-to-follow')
.muteBlog(accountName, 'blog-to-mute')
.reblog(accountName, 'to-reblog', 'post-permlink')
// The account that authorizes underlying custom json operation is also reponsible for signing the transaction using its posting authority
// Create resource credits operation new instance
const rcOperation = new ResourceCreditsOperation();
// Push operations of resource credits operation into the created transaction
// Delegate 1000 RC from your account to a friend's account.
.delegate(accountName, 1000, 'friend')
// The account that authorizes underlying custom json operation is also reponsible for signing the transaction using its posting authority
// Create community operation new instance
const communityOperation = new CommunityOperation();
// Declare example community name
const communityName = 'community-name';
// Push operations of community operation into the created transaction
// Subscribe the community
// Flag the post of the author in the community with the permlink
// Add notes regarding the violation (violation notes).
.flagPost(communityName, 'author-account', 'post-permlink', 'violation notes')
// The account that authorizes underlying custom json operation is also reponsible for signing the transaction using its posting authority
// Sign and build the transaction
otherOperationsTx.sign(wallet, publicPostingSigningKey);
// Log the other operations transaction into console in API form
* Call actual broadcast API to send transaction to the blockchain.
* The code is commented out because examples does not have access to Hive mainnet keys.
// await chain.broadcast(otherOperationsTx);
// Beekeeper cleanup
await beekeeper.delete();
// Delete the created wax proto_protocol instance
// simpleOperationTx
"ref_block_num": 32100,
"ref_block_prefix": 27252558,
"expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:28",
"operations": [
"type": "vote_operation",
"value": {
"voter": "voter",
"author": "test-author",
"permlink": "test-permlink",
"weight": 2200
"signatures": [
// legacyTx
"ref_block_num": 32100,
"ref_block_prefix": 27252558,
"expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:28",
"operations": [
"from": "your-account",
"to": "friend",
"amount": "0.100 HIVE",
"memo": "My transfer operation"
"extensions": [],
"signatures": [
// encryptionTx
"ref_block_num": 32100,
"ref_block_prefix": 27252558,
"expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:28",
"operations": [
"type": "transfer_operation",
"value": {
"from": "your-account",
"to": "friend",
"amount": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
"memo": "#4MWxEsc6QMPu5ifjW1mNpJh6Rx4Li4kaJVxEvNFWysAsggDSLNF6ZEdauVEuompzPXuMuZ4tfTtAadcYXHAXH5ASVCRapttKgx7xEn1S4dydFrM7Uc8jpMmdJ4HDxnhCELxQrxX4iqoFhYaVdYPVq3A8"
"type": "transfer_operation",
"value": {
"from": "your-account",
"to": "friend",
"amount": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
"memo": "My transfer operation"
"signatures": [
// commentOperationTx
"ref_block_num": 32100,
"ref_block_prefix": 27252558,
"expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:28",
"operations": [
"type": "comment_operation",
"value": {
"parent_author": "",
"parent_permlink": "my-category",
"author": "your-account",
"permlink": "my-article-permlink",
"title": "My article title",
"body": "My article body",
"json_metadata": "{\"format\":\"markdown\",\"app\":\"@hiveio/wax/1.27.6-rc1\",\"tags\":[\"my-article\"],\"description\":\"This is my article!\",\"image\":[\"article.jpg\"],\"links\":[\"https://example.com\"]}"
"type": "comment_options_operation",
"value": {
"author": "your-account",
"permlink": "my-article-permlink",
"max_accepted_payout": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
"percent_hbd": 10000,
"allow_votes": true,
"allow_curation_rewards": true,
"extensions": [
"type": "comment_payout_beneficiaries",
"value": {
"beneficiaries": [
"account": "friend",
"weight": 40
"type": "comment_operation",
"value": {
"parent_author": "your-account",
"parent_permlink": "my-article-permlink",
"author": "your-account",
"permlink": "re-your-account-1719935728826",
"title": "",
"body": "My reply body",
"json_metadata": "{\"format\":\"markdown\",\"app\":\"@hiveio/wax/1.27.6-rc1\",\"tags\":[\"my-reply\"],\"description\":\"This is my reply!\",\"image\":[\"reply.jpg\"],\"links\":[\"https://example.com\"]}"
"type": "comment_options_operation",
"value": {
"author": "your-account",
"permlink": "re-your-account-1719935728826",
"max_accepted_payout": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
"percent_hbd": 10000,
"allow_votes": true,
"allow_curation_rewards": true,
"extensions": [
"type": "comment_payout_beneficiaries",
"value": {
"beneficiaries": [
"account": "friend",
"weight": 40
"signatures": [
// operationFactoriesTx
"ref_block_num": 32101,
"ref_block_prefix": 2985086707,
"expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:29",
"operations": [
"type": "recurrent_transfer_operation",
"value": {
"from": "your-account",
"to": "friend",
"amount": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
"memo": "Daily pay",
"recurrence": 24,
"executions": 30
"type": "update_proposal_operation",
"value": {
"proposal_id": "1",
"creator": "your-account",
"daily_pay": { "amount": "100", "precision": 3, "nai": "@@000000021" },
"subject": "Proposal Update",
"permlink": "proposal-update",
"extensions": [
"type": "update_proposal_end_date",
"value": {
"end_date": "2023-03-14T00:00:00"
"type": "witness_set_properties_operation",
"value": {
"owner": "your-account",
"props": [
[ "account_creation_fee", "307500000000000003535445454d0000" ],
[ "hbd_interest_rate", "ee02" ],
[ "key", "03d61d6fa3124160f86e1f870328e4ee1c4956529f3e001a3ce466d192bd4e07ab" ],
[ "maximum_block_size", "00000100" ],
[ "url", "1368747470733a2f2f6578616d706c652e636f6d" ]
"signatures": [
// otherOperationsTx
"ref_block_num": 32101,
"ref_block_prefix": 2985086707,
"expiration": "2024-07-02T15:56:29",
"operations": [
"type": "custom_json_operation",
"value": {
"required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
"id": "follow",
"json": "[\"follow\",{\"follower\":\"your-account\",\"following\":\"blog-to-follow\",\"what\":[\"blog\"]}]"
"type": "custom_json_operation",
"value": {
"required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
"id": "follow",
"json": "[\"follow\",{\"follower\":\"your-account\",\"following\":\"blog-to-mute\",\"what\":[\"ignore\"]}]"
"type": "custom_json_operation",
"value": {
"required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
"id": "follow",
"json": "[\"reblog\",{\"account\":\"your-account\",\"author\":\"to-reblog\",\"permlink\":\"post-permlink\"}]"
"type": "custom_json_operation",
"value": {
"required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
"id": "rc",
"json": "[\"delegate_rc\",{\"from\":\"your-account\",\"delegatees\":[\"friend\"],\"max_rc\":\"1000\",\"extensions\":[]}]"
"type": "custom_json_operation",
"value": {
"required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
"id": "community",
"json": "[\"subscribe\",{\"community\":\"communityName\"}]"
"type": "custom_json_operation",
"value": {
"required_posting_auths": [ "your-account" ],
"id": "community",
"json": "[\"flagPost\",{\"community\":\"community-name\",\"account\":\"author-account\",\"permlink\":\"post-permlink\",\"notes\":\"violation notes\"}]"
"signatures": [